15 Questions To Ask Your Gynecologist About Reproductive Health

15 Questions To Ask Your Gynecologist About Reproductive Health

Women have the chance of developing gynaecological issues at any point in their reproductive years. This makes it highly essential for you to schedule routine gynaecological check-ups with an experienced gynaecologist. Regular examination will help in the early detection of the issues and ensure the best reproductive health management with top-notch preventive care. 

During the routine consultation, you can also clearly discuss pregnancy planning, menopause management, and other abnormal gynaecological problems. However, most women don’t have the courage to ask all the important questions during the consultation. You must know that the gynaecologist is there for you to solve all your unanswered questions properly without any judgment. 

Common Questions That You Must Ask Your Gynecologist

1. Is urinal incontinence a worrisome complication? 
Urinary incontinence is one of the less-reported gynaecological complications. This can be a common disorder among all age groups but if not treated at the right time it can lead to several complications. 

You may feel uncomfortable talking about this matter with the gynaecologist but it is important to contact the doctor immediately if it is disrupting your daily activities. The doctor may prescribe you medications or recommend pelvic floor muscle exercises and behavioural techniques to control this issue. 

2. Why am I experiencing pain during intercourse? 
Pain during intercourse can happen due to various reasons ranging from psychological issues and structural concerns. The recurrent or throbbing pain may develop only during the penetration or may last after a few hours of intercourse. 

If you just have entry pain then it can be caused due to insufficient lubrication, infection, or injury. Herein, deep pain may indicate various underlying medical conditions such as uterine prolapse, pelvic inflammatory disease, and ovarian cysts. Any scarring in the pelvic organs or cancer treatment can also contribute to this concern. 

3. What can be the underlying causes behind irregular periods? 
It is important for you to contact the best gynae doctor if you have an irregular menstrual cycle. The first underlying cause that can lead to irregular periods is an improper lifestyle with excessive stress and a poor diet. These factors can delay your periods for many days and even for a month.

In some cases, there can also be underlying medical conditions causing irregular periods. Some such conditions include polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, uterine cancer, and primary ovarian insufficiency. 

4. Why do I have vaginal itchiness and abnormal discharge? 
The increased volume of vaginal discharge along with itchiness can be an indication of some serious gynecological problems. If these symptoms don’t resolve even after following proper hygiene then it is important to contact a gynaecologist immediately. 

Mostly, the main reasons behind itchiness and vaginal discharge are Trichomoniasis, yeast infection, gonorrhoea, and chlamydia. Additionally, physical and emotional stress as well as low estrogen levels due to menopause can also cause these signs. 

5. How often should I get tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)?
STDs are serious gynecological problems and if this condition is left untreated then it can lead to various complications. Some such complications include pelvic inflammatory diseases, reproductive cancers, and pelvic pain. In some cases, women don’t even get to know about the disease until it reaches a progressive stage. This is why it is important to schedule routine STD testing and the frequency of these tests depends upon how sexually active one is. It is advised by the doctor to test for gonorrhoea, syphilis, and chlamydia at least once a year. 

6. Are Kegel exercises beneficial? 
Kegel exercises are one of the most recommended exercises for women. This helps in preventing the issue of weak pelvic muscles which may happen due to ageing, childbirth, or pregnancy. To keep your pelvic muscles healthy and strong, you can perform these exercises. 

Before performing these, it is important to identify the pelvic floor muscles and then tighten those muscles to increase their effectiveness. It is advised to aim for three repetitions of these exercises in a day to reap most of its benefits.  

7. Is it normal to experience heavy bleeding while menstruating?
Heavy menstrual bleeding can be a nightmare for most women. Continuous concerns about staining and doubling the pads are some of the issues that may interfere with your daily life. 

You must know that heavy bleeding with clots is not normal. It is important to consult a reputed gynaecologist near you if you experience it. The causes that can lead to this symptom are ovarian issues, hormonal imbalance, adenomyosis, uterine fibroids, and intrauterine devices. Herein, heavy bleeding can also be accompanied by bleeding for several days, weakness, and tiredness.

8. Can I get pregnant during periods? 
You have the chance of getting pregnant at any stage of the menstrual cycle if you have performed unprotected intercourse. However, there is a decreased likelihood of getting pregnant while menstruating but still, it can be possible in some cases since the sperm can live in your body for several days.

This is why it is always encouraged to practice protected intercourse if you’re not willing to conceive. To know more about your chances of getting pregnant during menstruation, don’t hesitate to contact a gynaecologist.  

9. How to perform a self-breast examination properly? 
It is always advised by the gynaecologist to perform self-breast examination more frequently as compared to routine gynaecological check-ups. This will help in noticing any changes, discolouration, or lumps present in the breasts that may indicate a serious condition. 

You can start the breast examination by taking a visual examination and then gently use your hands to feel any warmth, nipple discharge, hard lump, bulges, or sores. If you notice any abnormalities then you can visit a doctor who can perform a mammogram or clinical breast exam for detailed diagnosis.

10. Do I need to douche my vagina? 
Douching or cleaning your vagina with any mixture of fluid or water is not advised by the doctors. This is because douching has been found to be the main contributing factor behind sexually transmitted and vaginal infections. 

You must also know that your vagina has a unique cleansing mechanism where it maintains the pH balance and cleanliness through the vaginal discharge. This is why douching can remove the healthy bacteria from your vagina while increasing the likelihood of infections.

11. What are the best options for birth control?
Nowadays, there are various available options for birth control. You can select one of those based on your personal needs and requirements. Using condoms is found to be one of the safest and most effective birth control methods. 

Some other options include birth control pills, intrauterine devices, and permanent sterilization such as vasectomy and tubal ligation. If you’re not sure about the future and may decide to conceive then barrier and short-acting birth control measures can be the best choice.

12. Why do I have bumps in the vaginal area? 
Generally, you may see a bump in your vagina due to an ingrown hair. However, in some cases, a vaginal bump can be an alarming sign of underlying health issues. It is always a better option to consult a doctor if you see any abnormal bumps or lumps in the vaginal areas. 

Some of the most common causes behind this symptom are vaginal cysts, genital herpes, cancer, genital warts, and vulvar cysts. This sign is more common among older people who have reached the menopausal stage.

13. Is pelvis and vaginal pressure normal? 
The pelvic region is the most sensitive part of our body. If you’re feeling any vaginal and pelvic pressure during menstruation then it can be a normal thing. However, if the pressure persists for a longer time then it may indicate a gynecological condition. 

The gynaecological issues causing pelvic pressure are pelvic organ prolapse, Pelvic Venous Insufficiency, endometriosis, and urinary tract infections. In most cases, pelvic pressure can be associated with pain during intercourse, lower back pain, and difficulty urinating.

14. What are the common signs of urinary tract infection (UTI)?
A UTI can affect any of the organs of your urinary system which may include kidneys, bladder, urethra, and ureters. Women are at higher risk of developing these infections then which can lead to some annoying symptoms.

The early signs of UTIs include cloudy urine, a strong urge to urinate, pelvic pain, a strong smell from the urine, and a burning sensation during urinating. The doctor may prescribe you antibiotics to resolve the symptoms and manage this condition. 

15. Is it normal to have low libido sometimes? 
It is natural to experience low libido and a drop in sexual desire. It is more common among women who are moving towards menopause. However, if this issue persists for a long time then it may indicate hormonal fluctuations, depression and sleeping issues. 

Other underlying chronic illnesses causing low libido can be high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. A few lifestyle changes with proper consultation with the doctor can help you revive your sexual desire. 

Meet our expert consultant, Dr. Priyankur Roy, renowned in gynaecology for transforming lives pain-free. He's your trusted partner for all gynaecological concerns, ensuring you embrace life with comfort and confidence. However, for accurate diagnosis and treatment, it is your responsibility to convey all your symptoms clearly and solve all your queries without hesitation.  

Dr Priyankur Roy
Dr. Priyankur Roy


Dr. Priyankur Roy is a distinguished expert in Infertility Treatment and Gynae-Endoscopy. With advanced qualifications from Germany and the UK, he excels in providing high-quality medical care.

This blog is clinically verified by Dr. Priyankur Roy to ensure accuracy and reliability.

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